Juneteenth reading lists comprised of both Fiction and Non-Fiction titles.
Read MoreSummer reading season is right around the corner; here are some early contenders for your beach and pool reads this season.
Read MoreTo mother, or not to mother…
Read MoreCommemorate World Book Day on April 23rd by reading a book set in a different part of the world…
Read MoreIf you don’t have solar glasses, here is a list of solar viewing projects that you can make…
Read MoreApril is National Poetry Month; here are samples from recently published books of poetry.
Read MoreThe beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic is now 4 years behind us. Writers commemorate that unprecedented time…
Read MoreAnyone over the age of 12 knows that “Love” is not an ending or a destination, but more like a portal through which we can experience the life and thoughts of another …
Read MoreCelebrate Black History Month with this literary feast of new titles by African-American authors on our shelves.
Read MoreIt’s a new year, so let’s read books that promise something “new.”
Read MoreWinter is the perfect time of year to indulge in some feel-good reading. Here is a selection of titles new and old to spark a bit of joy and offer comfort when you need it most.
Read MoreThe holiday season starts in earnest with Thanksgiving, followed by Chanukah, solstice, Christmas and Kwanzaa. Time to feast and read together.
Read MoreThis list of books available through the BCCLS Consortium has been curated by our librarians. The list has materials for adults, teens and children, and includes fiction and nonfiction titles. In keeping with our Mission, it is designed to connect you, our patrons, to information, ideas and culture; it is for everyone.
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