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"Echo Echo" Kids Book Talk

EchoEcho Aug6.jpeg

What happens when you hold up a mirror to poems about Greek myths? You get a brand-new poem! Echo Echo is a collection of reverso poems from Marilyn Singer. Read one way, each poem tells the story of a familiar myth; reverse it and the poems reveal a different story.

Join us as we talk about Pandora's box, King Midas and his golden touch, Perseus and Medusa, Pygmalion, Icarus and Daedalus, Demeter and Persephone, and Echo and Narcissus.

Try writing a few lines of your own poem that tell a different story when read in reverse.  Or pick your favorite poem from the book and find out more about the character to share with the group.

Thursday, August 6, 2020 @ 4:00 -4:45pm

For 3rd and 4th graders

Registration is limited to 15 participants. 

 REGISTRATION: Echo Echo Kids Book Talk

This program will be via Zoom. You will receive the link to join one day prior to the event.

Check out the eBook or reserve a print copy for curbside pick-up (both subject to availability).